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Egyptian chronology and the bible

As you can see in the picture below, many believe the Exodus was 1250 BC. Which is the first big mistake?

If you've seen my or Usher's bible timeline, the Exodus was more close to 1500 BC. After Israel was only in Egypt for 215 years.

That is a difference of almost 250 years.

The Exodus 1250 BC..jpg

The only reason archaeologists mistakenly believe that the Exodus was in the year 1250 BC. Is because they have dated the city Ramses as the Israelite's built to be about this time.

So many people mistakenly believe that Ramses 2 was the Pharaoh who live under The Exodus, it is seen in many movies about Moses and The Exodus.

Ramses 2.png

Jean-François Champollion who used Rosetta Stone found in 1799 to translate the hieroglyphs for the first time in 1822. He was Professor in Egyptology. He is considered "founder and father of Egyptology" Because he was the one who founded the Egyptian timeline.

He found a text on a wall that describes a Pharaoh who conquers several of Israel's cities.

This Pharaoh is called Shosheq and Champollion thinks misguided it is the same Pharaoh call Shishak (שׁישׁק Šîšaq) as described in the Bible - Kings 11:40, 14:25 and 2 2 Chronicles 12: 2-9 who plundered Solomon's temple.

But yet this becomes the cornerstone of Egyptian chronology and it is still today. And Egyptian Chronology is the Gold Standard.

Ramses defeats the Israelites.png

Shosheq's campaign

Shosheq and Shishak are not the same Pharaoh. Shosheq attacks The Kingdom of  Israel and some other places in the south but goes beyond the Kingdom of Judah.


Shishak from the Bible attacks Judah.          1 Kings 14 25 "And it came to pass in the fifth year of King Rehoboam, that Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem:"


The 2 Pharaoh attacks 2 different Kingdoms and therefore the only thing Shishak and Shosheq have in common is that they have names that sound a little alike.

This is a     Argument?
  • Egyptologists use the Bible to date the start of the 22nd Dynasty to 945BC.

  • They then date Ramesses 2 based on that 22nd Dynasty date

  • They then find no evidence for the Exodus and the Conquest in the time of Ramesses

  • They, therefore, reject the Bible as a work of 'pious fiction' 

  • So the Bible is used to establish Egyptian chronology which is then used to dismiss the Bible.

  • This a prime example of a circular argument.

This conventional chronology is probably out of centuries because of this, and it has caused archaeologists to look for Israel's activities in the wrong time period.
So if we move the archaeological finds in the right time period and delete some of the gaps in the Egyptian timeline. Then they fit together, as can be seen in the picture below.
Egypt and Israel timetable.png
the wall of time.png

In this video, you can watch this Egyptologist David Rohl tell me more about this and who he thinks was the Pharaoh was under Exodus.

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